Authenticating Mediawiki with OAuth2
It's the year 2023 and there must be a way to authenticate Mediawiki (MW) with OAuth2. Currently the LTS version of Mediawiki is 1.39.1. My OAuth2 and OpenID provider is Keycloak. It can be accomplished with the extension OpenID Connect . It's simple, once you have the dependencies in place. I spent more time providing "composer" as a dependence than configuring the SSO part. Hera are the relevant parts of theDockerfile: FROM COPY composer.local.json composer.local.json RUN wget &&\ wget &&\ tar -zxvf PluggableAuth-REL1_39-e7de886.tar.gz -C extensions &&\ tar -zxvf OpenIDConnect-REL1_39-0fefe8b.tar.gz -C extensions &&\ chown -R www-data:www-data extensions #Composer as dependency for OpendIDConnect #https:...